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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Plastic Free July update: Week 2

Sorry this update didn't come sooner, I've been busy cello-ing (I am playing in a musical that runs pretty much every day through the rest of July).  I will try to get this week's update out a little sooner :)

Plastic dilemma:

As you can see, the cord to my computer is completely shot.  It's not just the cord itself, but the magnetic adapter that actually goes into the computer (so no electrical tape fix here).  I bought a used one off of ebay, but it was unfortunately bubble wrapped.

But what to do with the old cord?  The broken cord was a REPLACEMENT for the original that came with my computer, and was probably about 1 1/2 years old.  I am really frustrated about how short the lifespan is on these things.  Is there somewhere to send it to get repaired?  Can I send it back to Apple for them to refurbish?  Anyone have any experience with this? (I saw PlasticFreeTuesday had a similar dilemma...)

So, outside of the bubble wrap and broken cord, plastic collected since last time consists of:

5 milk tops
4 milk rings (my husband threw one out before I got a hold of it, so only three in the picture)
3 produce stickers
1 olive oil top and foil
1 vinegar top
1 spice jar seal (no bulk spices near me)

How is everyone else's Plastic Free July going?


  1. If I get stuff posted to me via eBay, I always keep the bubble wrap and packaging to re-use. I bet most people don't buy new bubble wrap, they re-use old stuff. Living in Australia, postage for anything up to 500g is a flat rate, so if I'm sending something light, I wrap it in a ton of newspaper instead. But in the UK it's to the nearest 100g so I'd use repurposed plastic. I always used to go to the supermarket and take the bubble wrap they use for apples which would otherwise get chucked out. But I digress...!

    I have the same problem with my iphone cord. This is the second one - the first broke, and I took my sister's old one (she had upgraded her phone), but now that has all the wires hanging out. It still works, fortunately. When I get a new phone I intend to NEVER pull it out by the cord, only by the hard plastic bit.

    I think we should have a mass return to Apple. Except it would probably just be you and me...which night not have the effect I was hoping for!

    1. I am so down for doing a mass return to Apple! Ugh. Sick of replacing it.

      That's a good idea to reuse the bubble wrap to mail things out. I will definitely do that!
