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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Plastic Free July: Days #1 and #2

Yesterday was a successful day.  We went to a friend's house for (a delicious) dinner, and were asked to provide some dessert.  My lovely husband bought these from a local bakery:

No plastic!  Hooray!  And they were excellent.

But today, I ended up with a bottle cap from a glass bottle of vinegar (for cleaning).  Boo.  Our Whole Foods used to have bulk olive oil and vinegar, but no more.  I wouldn't have been able to afford that vinegar for cleaning anyway.  So plastic caps it is.

Plastic Tally: 1

Also on the agenda today is some homemade hummus from scratch.  I will let you know how it goes.


  1. Well done! My Whole Foods doesn't have bulk vinegar either. And the olive oil in the bulk section costs a bundle! I feel as though I am penalized there for trying to cut out the plastic waste :(

    Where did you get the blue Ball jar? I have only clear ones.

    1. I feel the same way-the only place to get bulk olive oil is a really fancy (not close by) specialty store that has VERY EXPENSIVE olive oil. So Whole Foods brand organic olive oil in a glass jar for me. Oh well. I think there are other places I can focus on reducing waste, so I'm not going to make myself crazy.

      They sell the new blue Ball jars in America as a 100th anniversary limited edition thing. I bought them a while ago, and unfortunately, the box they come in is encased in plastic. I have a couple extra, and could send them if you like, or I'm sure people are selling them used on ebay! I am a mason jar hoarder, according to my husband :)
