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Monday, June 23, 2014

Deplastify your bathroom

Leading up to Zero Plastic Week, I wrote a lot about how to reduce plastic and waste while shopping for food and avoiding disposables.  Since the event only lasted a week, I felt that was the best way to focus, as those are everyday activities.

Now, as Plastic Free July is swiftly approaching, I wanted to talk more about more sustainable personal care choices.  Before I made the commitment to live a more environmentally conscious lifestyle, I had TONS of different products in the bathroom.  Lotion (usually at least two or three different kinds), bodywash, shampoo, conditioner, hair smoother, etc., etc., etc.  Besides the concern about the enormous amount of plastic trash I was generating, it became tiring.  My morning routine was getting longer and longer.  And my bathroom felt cluttered.  So when Plastic Free July came around last year, I jumped on the chance to simplify, and I haven't looked back since.

(Side note: since we are using simpler products with less ingredients, my husband's eczema, which he has struggled with for years, disappeared completely.  Food for thought.)

Here are some things you can do to reduce your personal care plastic use:

1. Shave with a safety razor (This not only stops the disposable plastic waste, but it is SO MUCH CHEAPER. And works just as well.  I got my razor here and blades here.)

2. Use bar shampoo. (I buy mine from Aquarian Bath, but Chagrin Valley and Lush also have solid shampoo)

3. Use bar soap instead of body wash. (Dr. Dandelion has awesome olive oil soap.  Or you could make your own if you are super crafty.)

4. Make your own deodorant. (I promise this is not as crazy as it sounds :)

5.  Use a bamboo toothbrush.

6. Use toothpowder instead of toothpaste or make your own.  (Lush sells some here).

7. Coconut oil for lotion and hair de-frizzer.

8. Make your own olive oil and beeswax hand salve.

9. Choose makeup with better ingredients and recyclable packaging.

I will be covering a few of these topics this week in detail.  Are there any specifically that you would like to know more about?

What are some ways you have found to reduce packaging in your personal care routine?  Anything I missed?

Register for Plastic Free July here


  1. Great list! Will you please tell me where you bought your safety razor? I lost my razor a few months ago and don't want to buy another plastic one or the plastic cartridges that go with it, but on the other hand, I'm French and summer is here. I would like to wear shorts...

    1. Thanks! This is where I got my razor: http://www.lifewithoutplastic.com/store/long-handled-safety-razor-non-adjustable.html

      They also sell them on Amazon, it's a Merkur. And I have been using these blades: http://www.amazon.com/Personna-Double-Razor-Blades-Count/dp/B0077LAJT2

      Hope this helps!!

  2. Another tip: use plain sugar as face- and bodyscrub. Plasticfree and a lot cheaper than the usual scrub-products

    1. Yes, definitely! I made some sugar and coconut oil peppermint scrub as holiday gifts this year.
