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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bulk Bag Giveaway! (So you can shop plastic free, too)

One of the biggest things I have been doing to combat my plastic use is buying all of my dry groceries in bulk (lentils, pasta, oats, coffee, etc.).  Food packaging, especially at the grocery store, really adds up to a lot of trash.  Think about all of those plastic produce bags, the plastic bags your organic quinoa or rice are wrapped in, the plastic packaging around your pasta...

If you missed my last post, it explains how to shop the bulk aisle of your grocery store.  You will need some kind of bag or jar to put your bulk items in (you don't want to use the plastic bags they provide, right? :)

Since I started on my journey to reducing my plastic and the amount of waste I create, I have been using these bulk bags I purchased off of Etsy.  They are light, have held up extremely well (I've had them for over a year), and hold a ton of food.

Unfortunately, the stores near me have not caught on with this plastic free thing, and do not sell ANY bulk bags, they just give you the free plastic disposable ones.  So, if you live somewhere like I do that does not sell them locally, you are in luck!  I have four bulk bags from The High Fiber to giveaway to a lucky, future plastic-free person!

You'll get two of each color :)

To enter, please let me know what disposable plastic item you are going to give up for Zero Plastic Week
a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Note: I purchased these myself, and was in no way compensated for this post.  I found these bulk bags to be extremely useful and well made, and that's why I'm sharing them. :)


  1. I will stop being lazy about bringing produce bags to the store, and use my nice mesh ones instead of the plastic ones for veggies and bakery items :)

  2. Love these - so useful and attractive!

  3. I would love to go plastic free when purchasing my veggies and fruits. I hate that I have to get my berries in plastic and we love berries in my house!

    1. Berries are always tricky! Unless I am at the farmers' market, they are hard to find without that plastic clamshell!

  4. i want to get reusable baggies.
